Monday, September 8, 2014

Rehearsal 1 for With One Step...We Gather

Wow! It was so exciting to hear the LCA singers step up to some new  and classic music last night!
We started our time together with an arrangement of the National Anthem originally created for use by the US Army and Navy in their educational songbook series. Here is a video of the current Army Men's Chorus and their arrangement of the Star-Spangled Banner today:

Continuing in the spirit of national pride, LCA singers have started work on one of Georg F. Handel's most famous Coronation Anthems. Written for the coronation of King George II in 1727, we are focused on the first of three movements, "Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened." The irony is that even though this text is biblical, it was chosen to represent the strength of the monarchy. However, George II is remembered with disdain and was considered boorish. He hated and did not understand parliamentary politics and was basically ineffective as a King. However, scholars have recently started to reconsider George II's role. He seemed to be effective in foreign policy and military appointments, especially during the Seven Years' War. His other claim to fame was that he died at 77, making him the oldest reigning King in his lineage.

Some of you may have noticed I spelled Georg wrong. Handel's actually pronunciation is in fact "Gay-org." George is the British equivalent and once Handel was appointed in Britain he mostly likely would have begun to refer to himself as such. Gotta Love nerdy choral trivia!


1 comment:

  1. On a special note (pun intended!): I am so very thankful to the LCA board and singer leadership for offering me this opportunity to help lead and continue to grow and develop this organization. I am so excited for the season ahead and I can't wait until Thursday for Rehearsal 2!


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