Thursday, January 25, 2018

NEW POSTER and a renewed focus for our Fundraiser Concert

I am blessed to have a board and group of singers who always want the best for the organization. All groups, families, friends, coworkers, etc. can have conflicts and issues arise. As we went through a sudden venue change a thought to refocus for this year's major fundraiser (previously called Gala) concert has helped me and the whole organization understand the goal of this event! It is to celebrate! We celebrate all of our journeys as individuals. We all go through times of darkness, but hopefully we come out into the light! We also celebrate the joy of singing and art in our community! This concert is going to be NEW in so many ways!

Check out the new poster!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

So what is an EDM Opera?: Doing a Virtual Choir piece from Eric Whitacre's Paradise Lost

On our upcoming Concert on March 4 (A Choral Continuum: Prospective, Bash!) we are featuring the piece "Fly to Paradise" by Eric Whitacre. Whitacre has become the Choral equivalent to a rock star. He even has the hair to prove it ;) 

Whitacre created a Musical Theatre/ Operatic style piece called "Paradise Lost" in 2007. This composition includes the use of EDM (electric dance music) in collaboration with classically trained soloists and choral singers to engage in a musical style fully staged theater production.

Since 2007 the song "Fly to Paradise" was adapted as a part of Whitacre's YouTube video collection, the Virtual Choirs. Here's a great video describing the process of creating this work.

As we move ahead and rehearse this piece, LCA will have a visual component playing during our performance of the piece. It takes imagery from "Paradise Lost" and channels the concept for

                                          Prospective:  Music that Envisions the Future
Lincoln Choral Artists presents
Into the Light BASH!

I hope you will join us in this unique concert event and bring lots of friends!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Year Ideas and a book...

I consistently find that the week following New Year's Day I get very productive. Or at least I feel productive. Much of it is due to the fact that the concert season and music festivals are gearing up during this time of year. But some of it was having drive time during the Holidays to reflect and think ahead.

Much of my driving time is filled with podcasts. I had the joy of hearing an interview with Daniel Pink. He is the author of a new book called When: The Science of Perfect Timing.

Amazon Ordering Link

I am very excited to read this book. Not only that because brain science interests me, or because the LCA theme "A Choral Continuum" deals with time and space, but also because Pink does dedicate portions of this book to the benefits of Choral Singing. I will do a review of the book and overview of his thoughts on Choral Singing when I finish reading. But for now I am simply excited to explore something new in the new year!

Tonight begins our rehearsals at LCA for our 2018 Gala with all it's fun and challenges. And yes, as usual I need more Tenors and Basses ( #firstworldchoralconductorgripes ). But I am also excited that the new year brings new ideas and new energy to music making.