Thursday, February 21, 2019

Another Video Post!

Last week I shared this blog, along with thanks for your support in a video. Today I am putting a new video right into this blog. (Does that make this a VLOG?) Enjoy!

For more information and TICKETS to The Big Show: Joy and Inspiration visit:

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Our 100th Blog: thanks and what would you like to read about?

Well, I can hardly believe it! This is my 100th Blog post since 2015. I have found the process of writing in an open format to LCA supporters and concert goers exciting. I do hope the ideas and random thoughts have brought insight to you. My most heartfelt thanks for reading and engaging with this blog.

If this is your first time reading, scroll back to some previous posts. You will see my thoughts and information on our next concert on March 3rd. You will also see some music and non-music related topics I'm passionate about.

Two things I'd like to do more is share some of the thoughts and topics from members of the choir, and I would like your thoughts and ideas on topics you would like me to write about.

So, SINGERS, reach our with your blog thoughts!

PATRONS, SUPPORTERS, CONCERT-GOERS, regular BLOG READERS, give me your ideas on new topics for this blog. I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at several places on the interwebs!

This Blog:


